The Final Hour
Artist Statement: Walter Matthews
"In my painting, I use an eclectic approach to creating pictorial space within a contemporary context. I first begin by drawing, then painting. This creative process enables me to unify the layers of fragmented information. The layering of information, creates a context for subject matter and simutaneously reveals and obscures the image to the viewer."- Matthews

Artist Statement: Brett J. Lindstrom
"Through the process of painting I attempt to leave this world behind and work out those details from my past that burden my psyche. Through the use of color, expressive mark making, and rhythm through repetition, I seek to remind the viewer that life is fleeting and that visual movement can be used to convey this idea aesthetically." - Lindstrom

Artist Statement: Matt Coombs
"My paintings examine the relationships between the construction of civilizations and individuality. The work is representational, but contrary to classical painters who dealt with concrete symbols reflecting tradition, my paintings are meant to access the associative memory of the individual. No object has direct meaning, which creates a piece that is more than the sum of its parts." - Coombs

Press Release
"The artists, who share an interest in a "tasteful blend of tradition and progression" include: Matt Coombs, Brett Lindstrom and Walter Matthews. This will be their first time exhibiting as a trio. This independent exhibition is coordinated by Van Jazmin, who advocates the idea of contemporary art in a historical setting.
Matt Coombs (fine arts) http://www.mattcoombs.com/
Brett J. Lindstrom (GIC) http://www.brettlindstrom.com/
Walter Matthews (fine arts) http://waltermatthewspainting.com/
Free event open to the public. There will be live piano music and refreshments will be served on the porch of the Historical Society's Bidwell-Wood house adjacent to the church.
This independent exhibition is curated/coordinated by Van Jazmin, public relations director of ZIGZAG, Sarasota's underground art magazine. The purpose of the show is not only to showcase these upcoming painters, but to connect the art community in a social atmosphere.
The location is on the grounds of the Historical society. Parking is available at the graveyard, the Historical Society grounds, and at Pioneer Park.
For more information, call 941-586-****"